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Doctors & Staff

Meet the experienced and friendly doctors and staff who make North Valley Eye Care, P.C. the leading provider of vision care products and services in Phoenix.

Dr. Justin L. Kohls and Dr. Michelle A. Kohls

Dr. Justin L. Kohls and Dr. Michelle A. Kohls
Doctors Justin and Michelle Kohls were excited to open North Valley Eye Care in October of 2007. They have been in clinical practice in Phoenix since 2003. Both were born in Arizona, grew up in Phoenix and graduated from Northern Arizona University before getting married and graduating with honors from the Southern California College of Optometry.

Dr. Michelle is a graduate of Xavier College Preparatory. She enjoys pickleball, hiking, camping, and spending time with family. She also enjoys being involved with her kids’ many activities. Dr. Justin graduated from Shadow Mountain High School in Phoenix. He enjoys playing tennis, pickleball, camping and enjoying the great Arizona outdoors. He is actively involved in his kids’ activities, including coaching some of their teams.

Justin and Michelle completed their clinical rotations at West Los Angeles Veterans Medical Center, Maricopa County Hospital and Hu Hu Kam Memorial Hospital. They are members of the Arizona Optometric Association, College of Optometrists in Vision Development and the Contact Lens and Cornea Section of the American Optometric Association. Drs. Kohls stay active in the community by performing vision screenings at schools. They have lectured numerous times to school teachers on the topic of “Vision Related Learning Problems.”

Both Drs. Kohls enjoy all aspects of clinical care, which includes seeing patients of all ages. Drs Justin and Michelle manage all diseases of the eye, including glaucoma, retinal disease, macular degeneration, diabetic eye conditions, and dry eye syndrome, among many others. They pride themselves on using state-of-the-art equipment, including the latest in retinal imaging. Along with their advanced technology, they also have extensive training, experience, and knowledge, and give patients the most excellent eye care experience. They co-manage patients who seek surgical vision correction.